Polish National Alliance

Council 21 Baltimore

PNA Zgoda Recipes

Gosia Bondyra, Vice-President of PNA Council 21 and President of Lodge 238, and Michael Carnahan, Financial Secretary of Lodge 339, share recipes and photos of foods prepared for the Polish Easter Celebration.

Click below read the Spring 2021 issue of ZGODA magazine, which includes the three-page recipes section, an article on the Custom of Święconka, happenings throughout the PNA family, and much more.

Join Gosia Bondyra, Vice-President of PNA Council 21 and President of Lodge 238, as she takes us on a culinary tour of Małopolska, with a focus on Kraków. Working with PNA’s national publication, Zgoda, Gosia created three recipes that are representative of the types of foods that you might find on a trip to this region of Poland, and they are also foods with some pretty interesting histories.

Thanks for watching the cooking videos. Be sure to join our email list, and stop by our Facebook page: www.facebook.com/polishnationalalliancebaltimore.
If you make any of these recipes at home, please send us your photos so we can share them. Send an email to PolishCooking@pnacouncil21.com, or you can post them to our Facebook page: www.facebook.com/polishnationalalliancebaltimore
Thanks for watching the cooking videos. Be sure to join our email list, and stop by our Facebook page: www.facebook.com/polishnationalalliancebaltimore.
Click below read the Winter 2020 issue of ZGODA magazine, which includes the three-page recipes section, an article on the Małopolska region of Poland, happenings throughout the PNA family, and much more.

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